Income Report 7/7/2024

This past week I did better than I expected, $2.30. Being on level 11 at TrafficAdBar has made a huge difference. I have a long way to go before I get to level 12! 539,018 points.

LeadsLeap Earning Summary

LeadsLeap Ad Click Summary

LeadsLeap Coop Earning Summary

LeadsLeap Daily Active Bonus Summary

LeadsLeap Credit Encashment Summary


I spent less time surfing but earned more with the coop program. Check out my weekly update email from TrafficAdBar.

TrafficAdBar Traffic Stats

WebmastersQuest Traffic Stats

EasyHits4U Rotator Traffic Stats From All Sources

Curiosity Hits Traffic Stats

As always, thank you for taking the time to read this report, and I appreciate your attention. If you have any suggestions or would like to see different stats/information in my income reports, please leave a comment and I will get back to you as soon as I can, (24 - 48 hrs). If you'd like to learn more about traffic exchanges, read this blog postCheck out last week's income report here. You can read about me here.

Josh Zyelinske - The Affiliate Wannabe

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